Wednesday 3 March 2010

Chairman's Newsletter No. 27

Dear Members,  Welcome to issue #27.

The 'Les Fredericks' Trophy Competitions'.
Caroline Colgate was the judge for last weeks Les Fredericks trophies competition, this was a classic 'how to give a chairman high blood pressure' situation.
    First getting the news from Janet that the judge was stuck on the M5, surly you mean M3? after all Caroline lives in Bracknell eh! OK but she is going to be late....panic! OK so we choose to have all the notices and a quick demo from Sheila and a bit of help from Peter, we made a couple of sales of the very reasonably priced tripods, Caroline arrives having missed all of the speed restrictions!!! She then calmly went on to judge the competitions, giving some excellent critique and somehow managing to find a story in every image! She then purchased the only tripod left!!
     Congratulations to Lynn Lambeth for her winning print and to Maureen Heading for the winning digital image.  Both of the images well reflected the subjects chosen for this seasons competition. I did not personally know Les so I asked Jack to give a brief background on him and the competition and feel sure that he would have approved of the standard of the winners. So thanks to Jack and of course to Malcolm and his top table team for a well run evening.

Club fund raising tickets. I've have mine have you got yours yet? See Andrew Kirby asap please.

Marwell zoo visit. We now have sufficient numbers to go ahead with the visit, Mark tells me that this does not mean that the numbers are closed and that if on the night you feel you want to come along you can.

Social Documentary photography.
Graham Sergeant's lecture was outstanding last night. John Walter and I went to the hall early to do a few running repairs to our equipment, and Graham turned up at 6:00 with another Chichester member Ruth, to set up. When we saw his equipment (steady now) we were amazed at its size( Steady there). A double FRPS and the quality of his images proved just why he is.
  The first part of prints were all real B & W and as he does not do digital the film prints were first class. Graham followed up by showing how slides could be made into AVs and I now know why 'film buffs' go on so much about quality. Watching his "World War 2" documentary and then his "Shakleton expedition" brought back lots of memories to many of us. The way he mixed images, music and voice overs was just wonderful. I felt my little bit of AVs were put well and truly in the shade, however it also gave me a bench mark to aim at, I hope you were also inspired. My thanks to Stan for his summary of the night, it hit the right note and I just wish I could do it as well as he does.

How nice it was to once again see Ray Kemmish at the club, he appears to be regaining some of his mobility although using a couple of crutches he is up and about and I'm sure he will get rid of the aids as soon as he can.

Next weeks assessment is of course the rescheduled meeting. Don Mitchell will be the judge and I am sure a lot of you were holding back train/railway images for him, come on now be honest, oh alright I certainly was!

2009/10 SPF league - semi finals.
We have now had confirmation of the venue and our opponents, your support at the match will be much appreciated.
Venue and hosts - Woolston CC, St Christopher's Centre, Pepys Avenue, Thornhill, Southampton, SO19 6PJ. Date & Time - Wednesday 17th March @ 7:30pm.
Our opponents - Bournemouth PS & Chichcester CC , both of these are strong clubs and the standards will be high. Should be quiet a good evening whatever the result.

My regards and keep snapping

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