Saturday, 30 January 2010

The Winchester Photographic Society Annual Open Exhibition

Winchester Photographic Society's 77th Annual Open Exhibition will be taking place between Saturday 24th April and Sunday 16th May at the City Space at Winchester Discovery Centre, Jewry Street, Winchester. We’d like to invite you to join us!
Both members and non‐members are welcome to submit entries, with the best images displayed in the exhibition.

To find our more, and to register to enter images online, visit the Winchester Photographic Society website at:
Registration is open from Monday 18th January to Tuesday 2nd March.
A maximum of 12 images can be entered into the three open classes, with no more than 4 images in any one class. Cost of entry is £2 per image.
Open classes - Categories
Monochrome Prints
The Jubilee Cup

Colour Prints
The Spectral Salver

Projected Images (digital)
The Walton Cup

For more information contact Louise Brown (Exhibition Co‐ordinator):
Tel: 023 8026 5979


Judging Workshop on Sunday 21st February

Have you ever sat at the back of your club during a competition and wondered how a judge judge's? Would you like to find out more, or perhaps you are brave enough to stick your head above the parapet and put yourself forward as a judge.

On Sunday 21st February 2010 at Littleton Millennium Hall, Littleton, Near Winchester SO22 6QL, the Southern Photographic Federation will be hosting a Judging Workshop at 11:15 for 11:30am. Tickets will be available on the door at £8 each, everyone is welcome - if you are a current SPF Judge you are invited to attend for free.

Please bring a packed lunch with you, we will break for lunch, however there are not many places locally for food.

If you would like to be assessed during the day, to become an SPF B Panel Judge, please let me know.

We would ask you to bring along some prints and digital images - preferably not your most successful shots but ones which you know have some weaknesses, for use during the day, so that we can all learn from each others mistakes.

For further details, or any question please contact me.
Kindest regards,
Terri Neill-Griffin, SPF Vice-President

Friday, 29 January 2010


Shaftesbury Arts Centre
13 Bell Street, Shaftesbury SP7 8AR
Box Office 01747 854321




FRIDAY, 19th FEB 2010 at 7.30pm
Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to enjoy the fantastic photographs of David Boag's 'American Project'. He is a Naturalist and Wildlife Photographer of great renown and has given lectures and presentations to a large variety of Groups and Associations, including RSPB Groups, Camera Clubs and Wildlife Trusts.

The American Project is the result of a commission David undertook, but he also took the opportunity to explore some of the more remote corners, including Alaska, Florida Everglades, Grand Canyon, to mention a few! His photography captures not only the scenery but also the wildlife he encountered during the project.

The interest in the lecture is enhanced by the challenge of discovering how David works in locations so far away from home and with unfamiliar animals and plants.

He has achieved some amazing pictures of enthralling prairie dogs and chipmunks - of cold-bloodied alligators and rattlesnakes - of vibrant flowers and dramatic birds.
The bar will be open during the interval.
Tickets £7.50, SAC Members £6.00 Box Office 01747 854321 open 10.30am-12.30am & 24 hour answerphone
When closed available from Shaftesbury Tourist Information Centre
01747 853514

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Chairman's Newsletter No. 23

Dear Members,

Many thanks for your response to my request for more prints to be entered into last nights Natural History Trophy competition. We ended up with a nicely balanced program for Donald Bradshaw to adjudicate over. His comments at the end of the evening about having a hard task to pick the winning images were not just the comments from a nice guy. The many silent pauses Donald used during the viewing shows just how hard he was studying each image. His wide knowledge on 'nature' showed with the many comments and insights on the images. Congratulations to George Marsh for his winning print "New Forest Red Deer" and to Steve Williams for the sharp image of " Velvet monkey at Kruger" in the PDIs.

Changes to the programme. The earlier adverse weather has forced the committee into making some changes to our planned programme, so please amend your diaries to read:-

9th March 2010 Assessment evening # 4. The committee have decided that this will be a carry over of the entries that were submitted for the January slot. Once again Jillian has had to restrict the number of images to be shown.
So in future please let us know your preference and priority for your images, we would like you to still submit up to 4 images in either 'prints' or 'pdi' format but to number your images 1- 8. The committee will still have the final say in the order to ensure a well balanced presentation.

13th April 2010.
Assessment # 5.
11th May 2010. Assessment # 6

18th May 2010. Chairmans evening. Steve Rogers from "The Wargraves Photographic Project" will now give his presentation on the work of the project. I know several of you contacted him with quieries about family and friends
and he has found out some interesting facts for you. His offer is still valid so if you did not contact him at the time you know have that opportunity again. Email him at using the word 'viewfinders' in the subject line.
You can of course do your own detective work using the website.

25th May 2010. Assessment # 7.

Reminder and look forward. The club AV evening (16th March) We have several disc's of images to show or we can show any new DAVs you may have been working on. Please submit any titles you have to me ASAP.

2010/11 programme. Mark and Jill are currently putting together the next years programme and we still need your ideas for it. So please let them have any suggestions for the contents.

Salisbury CC have extended an invitation to our members to a few days in East Sussex, please see the attached poster and contact Peter Read if you are interested.

My regards and keep snapping!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Chairman's Newlstter No 22

Dear Members,

How very nice it was to see so many of you at Tuesdays meeting. It seems ages since we had our pre-Christmas meeting. I must apologise because I forgot on the night to welcome two new members to the club and to say how good it was to see Stan Stubbs again after his operation.

Maureen and David Toft's presentation was an inspiring evening with around 150 prints being shown. Sitting in my position I was able to see the back of each print as they were taken out of the boxes. Some of them had just one sticker on the back but most of them had multiple stamps and stickers showing just how many exhibitions they had been accepted into.  Quite amazing!

Next weeks 'natural history' trophies competition should also be fun with Donald Bradshaw judging we can be sure of an experts eye.  If you have seen Donald's images of 'tigers' you will know what I mean. Donald is a nice gentle man in every respect of the word but his critique is to the point and accurate.

I have received (attached) a listing from Colin Varndell on the projected photo courses he will be running during the year.  Having been on a 3 day residential and a one day course with him I was not disappointed with his teaching methods and the results from them.

Hope to see you all on Tuesday.
Keep snapping

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Petersfield Photographic Society One Day Exhibition

Petersfield Photographic Society are holding a One Day Exhibition on Saturday 27th March 2010 at The Petersfield Community Centre, Love Lane, Petersfield, from 10.00 a.m. until 5.00p.m.

This is our first effort at running such an event and would ask for your support, if possible.
John W.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

Chairman's Newlstter No 21

Dear Members,

The first newsletter for 2010 is unfortunately several weeks late. Due to the adverse weather I had to postpone the first two meetings. This will result in some rescheduling of the programme and I will let you know the changes as they are organised. The main concern is to ensure we get the assessment done in order to give everyone equal opportunity to advance.

I know some of you have asked questions about family members to my speaker Steve Rogers. He assures me he has some interesting facts to divulge! Steve has promised to come along at short notice if necessary to give his presentation.  Watch this space!

Next weeks meeting should proceed as expected and with two expert photographers in David and Maureen Toft we can look forward to some wonderful images.

Looking forward to the Natural History Trophies on the 26th so just a reminder that images MUST conform to the 'Natural History Definition' as is printed on the last page of this years programme.

I hope you spent some time getting some great photos of snowy scenes!!! Maybe the programme secretary could look at one of our club evenings in the summer just showing 'snowy' images!!! Its a thought eh!

Do not forget to visit Salisbury library to see the SPF exhibition. This is a chance to see other peoples work, and get some inspiration and ideas.

Look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday,
Keep snapping

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

An Evening with Will Cheung

Wimborne Camera Club's Annual Talk
Friday 22 January 2010
at the Allendale Centre, Wimborne
7.30 pm
An Evening with Will Cheung
(Yes - that Will Cheung!)
Tickets £8 (inc. Raffle)
can be purchased in advance
Please advertise to your Club, Fellow Photographers and Friends!
Contact Jean David - Tel: 01202 528072

Will Cheung, late editor of Photography Monthly, talk, and show - in projected digital form - his prolific work!

Having heard Will before, I'm sure we're in for a really good evening, and we would like a really good crowd to support Will and Wimborne Camera Club!
Many thanks,
hope to see you there!
Carol Wiles
Hon Sec Wimborne Camera Club

PAGB News 22

Issue 22 of e-news - a GB Cup Special. Click HERE.  Beware though this is a big file nearly 3MB. Please note where Viewfinders came in the order. Score 155 compared to Wigan 10's score of 232. A huge difference!

Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Environmental Photographer of the Year

CIWEM (The Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management) runs the Environmental Photographer of the Year, which is one of the fastest growing photographic competitions in the world. In 2009 we received nearly 2,500 entries from photographers in over 60 countries.

This is a serious competition that seeks to celebrate photographers who use their ability to raise awareness of environmental and social issues. It is open to all professional and amateur international photographers of any ages and encourages entries that are contemporary, creative, experimental, resonant, original and beautiful.

The categories are:
  1. Mott MacDonald's Changing Climates
  2. The Natural World
  3. Quality of Life
  4. Innovation in the Environment (New)
  5. The Underwater World (New)
  6. A View From the Western World (New)
CIWEM’s Young Environmental Photographer of the Year (Under 16 & Under 21)
The judging panel is made up of some of the most respected environmental photographers in the industry, including Gary Braasch, winner of the Ansel Adams Award for Conservation Photography, as well as senior environmentalists. Individual pieces of work will be judged on impact, creativity, composition, originality and technical abilities. Winners receive cash prizes, and all winning and highly commended entries are displayed in the international Environmental Photographer of the Year exhibitions. Copyright is retained by the photographer (see terms and conditions at

I hope you may be able to forward this email onto your contacts, encouraging them to enter via As I said, this is for professional and amateur photographers, so we actively encourage those with a general interest in the environment to enter as well. The competition is open until 5pm on 31st July 2010.

Many thanks and best wishes,
Emily Doyle
Press and Marketing Officer
Chartered Institution of Water and Environmental Management (CIWEM),
15 John Street
London, WC1N 2EB
Tel: 020 7831 3110
Registered Charity No. 1043409