Thursday, 28 October 2010

Audio Visual Evening Results

Below is part of the spreadsheet with the results from Tuesday's AV show.

We had a return of 35 papers of which two papers showed that the members had missed some of the AVs.
I numbered each paper and recorded the scores. On the two papers with missed scores, John Walter and I have calculated the average score on each of the papers and put that score in red on the spreadsheet. This in itself has now created another concern with the 5th & 6th places being so close.

I believe that in fairness to Pat (being given an average score) we should declare both AVs as equal 5th place. Which is how I have shown it on the spreadsheet. I have retained the papers and they are available should any of you wish to see them.
My thanks to all of you for allowing your AVs to be shown.

Title Author Score
1 Longstock water Gardens John & Margery May 114
2 Kierstenbosh Steve Williams 127.5
3 Bowood House Pat Ball 100.5
4 The Punch & Judy man. Terry Jamieson 141.5
5 Open Day – Portsmouth John & Margery May 113
6 New England in the fall Steve Williams 126
7 Portland Bill Pat Ball 111.5
8 Bulb work Peter Read 112
9 Mottisfont John & Margery May 112.5
9a Salisbury Fair Peter Read 134
10 Pumpkins Galore Terry Jamieson 124.5
11 Vortrekka Monument Steve Williams
12 Flying From Bournemouth Pat Ball 140
13 In & Around Winchester Cathedral John & Margery May 126.5
14 Autumn at Exbury Pat Ball 115
15 African safari Steve Williams 143
16 Hilliers in Autumn Tony & Betty Rackham 158
17 Colour of the Wind Terry Jamieson 146
18 Autumn at Stourhead Pat Ball 109.5
19 The Vienna Wheel Steve Williams 116
20 Amsterdam John & Margery May 112.5
21 Hilliers Centenary Border Tony & Betty Rackham 140.5
22 Broadlands Battle Steve Williams 100
23 Bright Eyes John & Margery May 132

Wednesday, 27 October 2010

PAGB News No 34

Hi All

Welcome to e-news 34 with news of the Inter-Club Print Championship, the Inter-Federation Projected Image Competition together with updates on the problems we have had with AFIAP and EFIAP applications and an update on the GB Cup DVD - and more.
Click HERE to see the PDF file.

Please also have a look at the following request for input from the RPS - even if you are not an RPS member.


Most DSLR's launched in the last 12 months, and even many compact cameras, include a facility to shoot Video. Some of the more up-market models allow the shooting of Full HD Video at 1920x1080 pixels.

The RPS would like to know the extent of the interest in using DSLR cameras to shoot video. This includes both the Members and non Members of The Society. To this end, the RPS have uploaded a questionnaire to their website. This can be found at Video Survey.

We would very much appreciate if all readers could complete this survey. It should only take about 5 minutes to do so. Even those who are not using their cameras for this purpose, or have no intention of doing so, are asked to assist with this project. This will help The RPS to gauge the extent of the interest and to set future direction. Of course, shooting the material is only the first stage in the process of making a video. They have therefore included questions relating to the editing of the visual material and then mixing it with sound to make a complete production.
rod whelans

Chairman's Newsletter No. 54

Firstly I must apologise for an omission from last weeks newsletter.
I should have reported that after a delay of 3 weeks I was at last able to present the PDI Primary image of the year trophy to a surprised Martin Brown - well done Martin.

AV Evening
. Last evening was well supported with 6 members sending in their AV sequences, we saw 20+ sequences so we had a full evening.  It was not easy to score these. Members remarked afterwards on how they had enjoyed the evening and that they thought the standard our members are achieving in their AV's was high, and I have to agree with them. I would have been proud to have been the author of any one of them. Terry has taken all the score sheets away and will work out the top 5 or 6 and let us know which of the AV's will be used in the competitions coming up. Thank you Terry for your work on this.

PRINTS for Exhibition - don't forget to bring some along for Martin next week, he will be choosing our entry for the exhibition; so we want some good work please.

A plea as you are all aware we have no external competition secretary and it is only because one or two people have come forward to take on a few of the competitions that we are able to participate. We have 80+ members so I hope that during this year someone will think about stepping into this role at the AGM otherwise next year will see us drop out of all external competitions.

We are still looking for your participation - this coming week we have the Christmas card choice to make. So send in your images by Friday.  Then come along next week to help choose your favourite.

Christmas Dinner.  I have started to collect deposits for the Christmas Dinner (£5 per person) so please bring your money along next week since I have to pay by the 5th November. If you will not be at the club next week but want to come then please email me.

Goodbye to Sheila.  Several members attended the funeral of Sheila Budden last week, and it was good to see Edna Webb there as well.  Edna was the wife of the late Stan Webb, one of the founder members of our club, which just goes to show how long Arthur and Sheila have been members. Arthur I know appreciated the support of Viewfinders as well as their friends and family and it spoke volumes to see the number of people wanting to celebrate Sheila's life and support Arthur in his loss.

Hope several of you managed to visit the Landscape of Year 2009 at Moors Valley Country Park (not sure if it is still there - check the website) Roy and I visited last week and there are some stunning images, even in the junior section!

see you all next week

Sheila Budden

Several members of Viewfinders attended the funeral of Sheila Budden on the 21st October.  There were a large number of people gathered to celebrate Sheila's life and show their support to Arthur in his sad loss.  Both the camera club and the Audio Visual group sent flowers.  Sheila had lived a full life, enjoying dancing and photography; particularly her Audio Visual [AV] work.  Sheila loved to use colour and portray a sense of fun in the AV sequences she produced.  We shall miss Sheila at the club and look forward to welcoming Arthur back.

Saturday, 23 October 2010

October Assessment results

Margaret has written her report on this assessment for October and this can be seen HERE

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

The past, present and future of camera array - FREE talk

 Tim will be looking at seminal photographic processes and images from the past and images which inspired him.
Then he will deliver a potted history of the last 30 years showing the inception and development of Camera Array and how our perceptions of moving-image have changed over that period. Lastly he will be looking to the future showing some examples of things to come in the next 15 years.

Tim is a multi-award winning director and film-maker, painter and photographer. As a film director Tim has experience in music videos, commercials, and short films.

Macmillan was awarded an honorary degree by UCA in 2007 in recognition of his work with film.

The lecture will take place on Thursday 4 November at UCA Farnham at 6-7pm, and will be followed by a drinks reception.

The evening is free of charge and open to all. Places are limited so to reserve a place, please e-mail, or call 01252 892682.
Adele Wordsworth
Events Officer
Marketing & Communications

for the Creative Arts
Falkner Road
Tel: 01252 892682
Mob: 07958 997 238

Forthcoming events
Thursday 4 November  Tim Macmillan Public Lecture
6:00pm – 7:00pm at UCA Farnham 

Thursday 18 November  Arnold Schwartzman Public Lecture
6:00pm – 7:00pm at UCA Rochester
Please email to reserve your place at any of these events.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Wisley Light Trail

6 – 12 December, 5pm – 8.30pm (last entry 8pm)

See Wisley in a different light and enjoy our spectacular evening illumination trail. Icons of the Garden, magnificent trees and contemporary ice installations are brought alive with mesmerising lights. 
Liz Grant 
Marketing Volunteer 
RHS Garden Wisley 
Woking GU23 6QB

Thursday, 14 October 2010

Chairman's Newsletter No. 52

Tuesday evening started with the sad news that Sheila Budden passed away at the weekend. For those who are new to the club and may not know Sheila, she has been a member for many years and was very active in the club during that time, particularly within the AV Group. Sheila was also a member of the SPF council at one time, as minute secretary.
Details of the funeral are: 21 October 2010, 11.30, West Chapel, Southampton Crematorium.

Bryan Powell did a good job of judging our first assessment of the year but it was a disappointment that entries were low; so come on get snapping for the November assessment.
Bryan announced that he is retiring from judging and this was his 14th visit to us over his 26 years of judging.  We wish him well.

A couple of reminders
AV's needed for 26th October - we want to have plenty to choose from that will go forward to the friendly battle later in the year. If you can put together a 5 minute sequence then please let Terry Jamieson know.
Christmas Card images - we know that you all take those lovely frosty pictures, robins, foliage, etc. In fact it can be anything you think would make a good Christmas card. It is your opportunity to get your picture in print and sent out to various people our club deals with such as the Hall committee, The Advertiser. Send your digital image to the usual viewfinders address by Friday 29th October.

Next Week
We have Andrew Whitmarsh giving a lecture; World War II Photographs, I am sure we are going to see a very different view of the war than we would have previously seen.

See you all next week

Sheila Budden

It is with sadness that we report that Sheila Budden has passed away after a long illness. Sheila was an active member of Viewfinders for many years, particularly in the AV group.
Sheila was previously a member of New Forest Camera Club as well as doing a stint on the SPF Council as minute secretary.
Sheila was always helpful and liked to get involved fully in club life, she will be sadly missed and we offer our condolences to Arthur and family.
The funeral will take place on the 21st October 11.30am at West Chapel, Southampton Crematorium.

Thursday, 7 October 2010

Chairman's Newsletter No. 51

It was a nice surprise to come back from holiday to find I had been awarded a seal of merit in the PDI of the year competition and that Roy had taken winning place. Last evenings Pyramid competition was well supported and it was great there was so much audience participation.  Congratulations to Tony Rackam for winning.

Charades Evening [14th December]  This is to give you a little notice of what is required for the evening of Charades.  A photograph (print or pdi) should relate to a well-known film, song or book.  I will show you an example on the evening of the A.Vs. (26 October).  Any method of producing the photograph may be used.  I would emphasise that the evening if just for fun - the more entries the better. John May
Club AV evening- 26th Oct. We have committed to entering a couple of  friendly audio visual competitions. One on 28th Jan 2011 and the other on the 15th April 2011.The number of AV's from each club will depend on the number of clubs entering these events. The usual time restriction of 5 minutes maximum per AV is really the only rule. Any of your old, new or reworked material is acceptable, we had a very enjoyable evening last year with some 21 AVs being shown, it would be nice if we could do the same this year. Would all of the members who want to contribute to the club evening please send details to Terry Jamieson ASAP.

Christmas Dinner - There has been another suggestion put forward for a venue, The Malthouse Inn, a Christmas menu £16.95 per person. Can you please indicate to Martin Brown if you would like to support going out for a meal and which venue would be your preference, by the end of October please as we will need to get booked in. If you would like to put forward a different idea for our Christmas celebration then please do so by the same date.

Next Week - Assessment evening, work in by Friday please, judge for the evening is Bryan Powell.

Look forward to seeing you all there

Wednesday, 6 October 2010