Saturday, 24 October 2009

Chairman's Newsletter No. 12

Dear Members,

What a fabulous night Paul Sansome gave us on Tuesday, not the most gifted of speakers, however he still managed to keep all of us enthralled with his talk. Moving from his life as an IT worker to joining and being a member of a local camera club, the step up to professional ranks and his work with a well known travel firm. His story of how by accident he took photos of Terns that earned him a 'highly commended' award in this years 'Veolia Wildlife Photographer of the Year' competition, should give all of us inspiration. At the end of the night your applause for Paul was in my opinion the longest/loudest I have ever heard at our meetings, and well deserved.

Your committee meeting on Thursday had one main topic
In response to several members raising concerns your committee spent a long time discussing our competition rules in respect of advancement from primary class to advanced in the digital section. The committee made two amendments, one we cannot action yet due to the clubs constitution. Basically we cannot change any competition rules during a season, as we have already started assessments we will now have to wait until the next AGM. More on this later possibly at the next club members evening.
The other amendment we can apply with immediate effect. New members joining the club will be asked to provide 8 prints and 8 PDIs for consideration/assessment by the committee or its represensitive. The committee will decide which category that member will be assessed in.

Next Tuesday is our Print Panel Trophy night and the judge Barry Day ARPS will hopefully have a hard job to find the best panel, the committee having due regard to previous judges comments have agreed to drop the individual image marking and simply leave the awards to the judge. That should make life easier for all of us.

Enjoy the weekend and keep snapping!

Tuesday, 20 October 2009

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Mounting Board

At last we have found a good local supplier of mounting card!  They are based in Netherhampton.
The card quality is first class - Daler-Rowney 1.4mm thick. There are six colours.  Five have a smooth finish and one with a textured surface.
  • For us they will precut the board to 400x500mm for the same price as their standard 20x16inch. This price starts at £1.00 up to 10 sheets.
  • If you want you can have them with a precut hole for an A3 photograph [£1.50 for 5 cards].
  • You can also buy whole sheets at £5. Size of these is 828x1235mm [or 32.25x48.75inches]. You could get 4 400x500mm cards plus some extra card about 9 inches wide and 32 inches long.
Everthing is negotiable hole, size price, card size, double mounts. Please add VAT to these prices.
They also have a lot of end-of-run mounts.  These looked really nice. You would have to visit to find out what they have.
  • Please let Peter or Sheila know if you would like to take advantage of these prices and even better prices if we give Frith a bulk order. We will bring the colour swatch next Tuesday for you to choose.  We suggest that the textured version would be ideal to start off.  It is a delicate ivory white in colour.
See their site HERE

Chairman's Newsletter No. 11

Dear Members,
The first assessment for the season had 66 images for the judge to look at. Geoff Roberts who is the only 'pro' photographer still involved in club work was almost lost for words and was astonished at the standard of some of the prints in our primary class. Stating several times that they belong in the advance section, he awarded a total of five 10s, well done to all of the authors, I must mention Andrew Greenwood who had two 10s. Good work Andrew.
One other mention is the achivement of moving up to the digital advanced class, well done Peter Read. The high scores in the primary class show that your committee's decision taken some time ago to increase the number of high scores for progression is beginning to work along with you getting better! The intention was to raise the standard of images and it is showing in the scores.
Mounting board. Sheila and Peter Read have found a new supplier of mounting board. Next week they will bring to the club a selection of the boards and are willing to act as 'gofers' for the members as the supplier is near to their home. You can get some ideas from the suppliers website and they will cut to 40 x 50 when requested.

Birds of Prey days - at Beaulieu 1st Nov contact direct please.

Next meeting is a digital lecture from Paul Sansome entitled 'Someone has to do it' Sounds like an anthem for your committee!

Regards and keep snapping

Chairman's Newsletter No. 10

Dear Members,
                       With so many entries for the audio visual evening the number of sequences was restricted to 24 which still gave just over 85 minutes of work to be seen and marked. Our thanks go to all of the authors who submitted their work and to Pat Ball who sorted through the entry to create an evening that the attending members said was both "enjoyable and something different". We have agreed to do something similar in next years program. Now the news you have been waiting for, the results of your voting. The top four were clear favourites with you all. All entrants had votes cast for them so don't be dismayed if you didn't make the top five this time!
In alphabetical order the five sequences you have chosen for the friendly match are:- 'Botswana' - John and Margery May, 'In the meadow' - Terry Jamieson, 'Look at Lisbon' - Norman Pease, 'Phanstasy' - Norman Pease and 'Victoria Falls' - John and Margery May.
Next Tuesday is our first 'assessment' for the season, a large entry is anticipated after the 'barbeque' summer! So please ensure your entry is submitted by Friday midnight and that your preference is numbered. Just a reminder that we have a new rule for assessments that images can only be seen in either print or digital format, not both.
Regards and keep snapping

Note- We now have a short waiting list for membership, if you do not intend to renew your membership and wish to be deleted from the listing please let me know.
Subs are due and must be paid by the last meeting this month ( 29th).

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Yahoo Group

A link to sign up to the Viewfinders Yahoo Group is now at the bottom of the Menu listing.
If you have not joined then click here and get involved more with the Club.

Friday, 9 October 2009

PAGB News Oct 2009

Click HERE for a PDF copy

Wedding Photography

Hi Viewfinders of Romsey Camera Club

I thought that I would drop you an email to let you know about our Convention in January.

The Convention is located in London and spans seven days of photographic educational programmes and a terrific trade show. Details can be found at:

If any members would like an information pack mailed to them and a complimentary copy of our magazine Professional Imagemaker please complete our enquiry form:

We would be grateful if you would share this information with all members

Thanking you for your help

 Phil Jones CEO The Societies

Monday, 5 October 2009

2010 Arena Seminar,12th-14th March 2010, Riviera Hotel, Bournemouth

Over the years the annual Arena Seminar has built a reputation as being probably the best seminar on photographic art and practice in the UK. Past speakers include last year's Martin Parr and Tom Stoddart, and before them other leading practitioners such as John Blakemore, Michael Busselle & Denis Thorpe.
Each year enthusiasts from the UK and beyond come to hear presentations from four leading guest speakers and two host Arena speakers. Above all, it is a great opportunity to live and breathe photography for a whole weekend with like-minded people.
Last year was judged by many as our best seminar yet, but looking at this year's provisional programme it looks like we might just surpass ourselves once again! In 2010 we have another exciting line-up of superb photographers who have been provisionally booked for the event.
David Hurn
For many years David has had an international reputation as one of the Britain's leading reportage photographers. Admitted as a full member of Magnum in 1967 he has concentrated much of his time on documenting the dramatic changes that he has witnessed taking place in Wales, where he continues to live and work.
David is also a passionate teacher and set up the famous School of Documentary Photography in Newport. He is in demand throughout the world to lecture and run photographic workshops. His presentation is entitled 'Fifty five years in photography without dying of malnutrition'!
John Swannell
One of the UK's best known photographers, John spent many years working for the likes of Vogue, Harpers and Queen, Tatler and the Sunday Times, developing a very distinctive style of fashion and beauty photography.
He has photographed the Queen for her Golden Jubilee and The Princess Royal for her 40th and 50th birthdays, as well as being commissioned by Diana, Princess of Wales to photograph her with her two children. He has held many one-man shows at prestigious galleries including the Royal Academy in Edinburgh and the National Portrait Gallery in London.
Nick Turpin
Nick is a street photographer who observes and catches that moment in time. He describes his work not as reportage, not art, nor with any great technical craft or aesthetic beauty - 'they are just pictures about life'.
For the past 12 years Nick has been shooting design and advertising projects for clients such as Toyota, Jaguar, Land Rover, VW, IBM, Barclays Bank and Vodafone. He also lectures on street photography at Tate Modern and Yale School of Art, and was recently featured on Radio 4's 'Picturing Britain' series.
Ted Humble-Smith
Ted is recognised as one of the country's leading advertising photographers, producing outstandingly creative images. His highly impressive range of clients include Heineken, Tag Heuer watches, Harrods, GQ sports magazine, Tatler magazine, Glenfiddich, McLaren F1, Chrysler, Mercedes, Sony and Pioneer.
Once an art student of our very own Tony Worobiec, Ted then spent time assisting the likes of Andy Earl. Now specialising in his passion for still life photography, Ted loves the challenge of starting each campaign with an empty studio, knowing that everything in the final image will be there because he placed it or created it. The results are quite stunning! Not surprisingly, last year he won an award with the AOP.
Leigh Preston
Leigh Preston has been involved in photography since 1980 when he joined the Ordnance Survey Photographic Society. He started working in colour slides and A/V, taking mainly landscapes and travel pictures until 1985, when monochrome work began to become an obsession. He holds two RPS Fellowships, gaining a pictorial distinction in 1988, and in 1999, a Fellowship for photographic printing. He lectures all over the U.K. at clubs /societies /seminars and in Education. A bestselling book of his monochrome images, depicting Britain's Industrial landscapes, was published in 1993. He has had several one-man exhibitions in London, Dublin, Manchester, Birmingham and Belfast. Now semi-professional, he works as a photographic printer & college lecturer.
John Chamberlin
Working in many different disciplines, John's work touches on many aspects of the natural world, from landscapes, wildlife and travel. As his many galleries on this website show, he has travelled far and wide in pursuit of his photographic interests. A skilled colour worker, his images appeal to our senses to protect our environment and pause to consider the beauty of the natural world and there's more!
We have a new, improved print review session on Saturday, the ever popular print raffle will be held, and you could take advantage of the hotel's facilities or make the most of Bournemouth town centre and beach. You can find out more about the hotel by visiting the Riviera's website.
Book now to avoid disappointment!
With prices starting at £50 for day attendence, to £175 for the full weekend with two nights accommodation and all meals, the seminar represents remarkable value. But hurry - places are limited are going to be in demand! Please visit the arena website to download a booking form.
See you in March!
Best Wishes,
The Arena administrators

Friday, 2 October 2009

GB Cup

Hi All
This is a special issue of e-news containing only the rules for the PAGB GB Cup.  Click HERE

Much of this was contained in a previous e-news but the closing date for the competition is approaching and we would really like your club to enter.

The rules now include the judges and have been slightly expanded but there are no significant changes.
Rod Whelans