Friday, 25 September 2009
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Monday, 21 September 2009
Audacity tutorials

These Audacity sound tutorials have been recommended by one of the members of the Waves AV group. See their site HERE
Follow the links for more information.
Audacity Setup
This on has a voice over and is by far the best anywhere for clarity of thought, images and sound - plus the voice is easily understood!
Audacity Tools
Follows on from above.
Audacity Trim
Audacity Levels
Audacity Import
Audacity How To
This is the absolute best for simplicity as it's created by a proper teacher! This fellow runs a school radio station and has certainly done his research. There are detailed how-to-do-it instructions and links to where Audacity can be downloaded from, plus which is the best microphone, even how to turn your brilliant new sound edit into a podcast! His recomendations for the clearest sounds around - use a USB microphone.
Audacity Guide
This is sometimes a little too brief in each section but has far more varied departments.
Saturday, 19 September 2009
Chairman's Newsletter No8
Dear Members,
Congratulations to Peter Read and Andrew Greenwood for winning the Print of the Year trophies last Tuesday. Click on each image to enlarge them. Rosie Armes was very impressed with the quality of not just the winning prints but with the overall standard of the 56 images on display. Her critique was both interesting and educational, she inspired us with her knowledge of almost every subject that was presented offering advice alongside constructive criticism. My thanks to all the committee members who doubled up on the evenings tasks, thats what committee work is all about, but in particular I would like to thank George M and Brian L who both jumped in at the last minute to do the the tea/coffees, my mistake I forgot to ask for volunteers before we got started.
Martin has asked for some help with the Tom Mackie evening just a bit of assistance with crowd control etc, please let him know ASAP.
Prints for selection for the league and Salisbury exhibition, if you havent already done so please hand them in this coming week.
John Tilsley will be our guest speaker on Tuesday, it is bound to be an interesting time, John has been a stawart with both the SPF and the Western fed for many years and still works in the darkroom! Hence the title of his talk.
Saturday 26th - the long awaited celebration of the clubs 40th birthday, please ensure you are seated before the 7.30pm start time and it is free parking at Crosfield Hall.
Digital images of the year - Tuesday 29th. The same rules apply as for the POTY trophies, only images shown in assessments or trophy comps during the previous season are eligible, you must have your entries in by midnight Friday.
Thought for the moment - "don't count the days, make the days count"
Regards & keep snapping
Wednesday, 16 September 2009
Wednesday, 9 September 2009
Chairman's News No. 7
Dear Members,
Next week is the first of our new seasons internal competitions. Malcolm will be running his first trophy night so please help him out by submitting your entry ASAP, the deadline is still midnight Friday however it would help him greatly if he had your emails sooner. Use Once again it is getting near the time when we need to select our league and Salisbury exhibition entries. So the large print box will be available for you to give us any print that you would like to be considered. Go on make the selection committees job hard, give us your prints!!
Talking of prints, we have two missing prints from Stockbridge, they belong to Ian Ross. We know that they were not left behind and that someone said they would take them!! Please check your images you may have them somewhere!!
Tom Mackie Tickets. Have you got yours? We are getting very near the date and we really need to know the numbers who will be attending in order to give the caterers notice of how much food & wine to bring. If you wait until the night we may not have sufficient for everyone!! It would be a shame to spoil this event by not having enough to go around. Let Mark or Jill know your intentions ASAP. ( 01264-361185 ).
Next week is a first for me, the first time I will be hosting a visiting judge, OMG! I hope I can think of something nice to say about Rosie Armes!
Regards & keep snapping
Annie Leibovitz Bankrupt?
Loan repayment date for Annie Leibovitz has passed
Posted: 9 Sep 2009
Deadline reached for Leibovitz loan - The deadline date for Annie Leibovitz to pay back her loan was reached last night but all involved parties are staying quiet.
Click on this Ephotozine LINK to read more or this Guardian LinkWho is Annie Liebovitz? A very famous celebrity photographer. See Wikipedia page HERE
Friday, 4 September 2009
Hungerford Camera Club
Hungerford Camera Club 22nd ANNUAL EXHIBITION, Hungerford Corn Exchange 10th & 11th October.
Click here to see Hungerford Exhibition Flyer2009
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Re PAGB News No. 17 Sept 2009
Hi All
Welcome to Issue 17 of PAGB e-news.
Pages 5-8 have Issue 10 Rules for the GB Cup – minor clarifications as a result of queries from prospective entrants.
Also attached separately is An RPS invitation to "A Day with Steve Caplin" in Smethwick on 25 October 2009
Rod Whelans
P.S. I will be overseas for most of September so please don't be surprised if I don't respond immediately to any questions.
PPS. Sheila and Peter Read have already got tickets to see Steve Caplin and we can offer a lift to Smethwick if you wish. He illustrates many national newspapers with slightly zany interpretations of events and people.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Chairman's Newsletter No. 6
Subject: newsletter # 6
Dear members,
Last night was a most interesting evening watching the images from Wigan 10, at the end of the show to have several members say how inspired they were by the images was just icing on a good cake.
My thanks to Peter Read who also brought along 5 AVs that had also been made by members of the Wigan club, what a versatile bunch this club are! One member asked about borrowing the disc and I'm sure it can be arranged, requests to Pat Ball please.
For those not at the meeting some news about the Stockbridge exhibition, the recorded total of visitors was 318, this may well have been the most visitors to any of our exhibitions. The peoples choice for the most popular image was for the second year running George Marsh's 'Sandwich tern & Young'. We are attempting to book the same dates for next year.
Some photo opportunities this week, why not try the 'Dorset Steam Fair' this is reputed to be the biggest steam fair in Britain and its almost on our doorstep. I'm sure there will many chances to get candid shots of 'People working' for the Les Fredericks this season.
Next weeks meeting is a club members evening. Jillian and Mark will be holding a 'teach in' for those of you who would like to help run the 'Royale' this is scheduled for the small committee room, if you are interested in helping out please let Jillian know ASAP. Meanwhile the rest of the club are invited to submit questions for a Q & A session. Send your questions to me using email please( because the royale will be in use the questions need to be those that can be answered without using a visual display. However we should have the royale back for the second half of the evening and maybe we can do some demos if that is requested, or you may get a demo from me on how to put together an AV using 'Pro Show Gold' not that I'm an expert its more of just another way of creating AVs. So the contents of next weeks program is up to you.
One more commercial for the 'Tom Mackie' evening, please order/get your tickets ASAP, we are fast approaching the date and really need to push along the sale of tickets.
One more commercial for the 'Tom Mackie' evening, please order/get your tickets ASAP, we are fast approaching the date and really need to push along the sale of tickets.
Regards and keep snapping
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