On Friday last the selection group meet at my home and we spent several hours going through some 80-90 prints.
This may seem an easy process but any of you who have done this before will know that it is not that simple. Allied to the 20 prints to go forward to the SPF print championships I also wanted to take the opportunity to find 12 prints for the friendly match against the New Forest CC.
On Tuesday evening I will bring to the club those prints that are not required, however, the thanks of the club go to all of you who allowed your images to be used. Please bring your print boxes with you.
On Thursday last the Southern Federation held a quarterly meeting of the club reps. These meetings are designed to allow a two way flow of information from and to the SPF council and the members clubs. Here are some relevant points we were asked to pass down to you.
- The SPF council are in need of several new members for next season, in particular they urgently need someone to run next seasons league matches or to take over as webmaster. Les Lloyd has been doing both jobs this season and would like some assistance, if you are interested please speak with Lynn or Roy Lambeth or make your interest known to Liz Whitemore who will put you in touch with a council member.
- Once again we are asked to remind you that if you should use any of the companies who advertise in the SPF please mention that you are a camera club member and saw the advert on the SPF website. www.southernfed.org.uk. This really helps when the fund raising member of the council tries to get firms to pay for adverts. Fotospeed this year have donated vouchers valued at £10. These are available from David Kessel (SPF publicity sec.) at £9 cost to you. Or two at £15 or 3 at £18. Seems like a gift if you use their paper or inks.
- Print boxes are again available to order, details on the SPF website.
- Now the last item is for a suitable gallery or display area that the SPF can use/hire soon after July 2011. The SPF are hosting the PAGB Print Championships and need a suitable venue to display 150 glass/plastic mounted prints. If you are aware of a possible site please contact Roy Lambeth ASAP.
Now some news from the PAGB.
- They need an archivist you will need lots of space to store papers etc.
- They are holding an extra assessment for distinctions in Dec 2010, in order to reduce a back log, it will be hosted by Chilterns Fed but will not be open to spectators.
- The PAGB AGM will finalise the club trustees insurance plans, the majority of clubs are in favour of the scheme.
- They advised clubs to be 'forward thinking' in respect of the proposal to abolish cheques.
Ok I think you should now be 'in the loop' goodness I hate those american phrases.
Keep snapping
That is an interesting blog .Thanks for sharing such a great information with us.