Thursday, 25 March 2010

Print Boxes - Order now

Just a Reminder
I would be grateful if you would bring the following to your members attention.  This information can also be found on the SPF Website  -    My Tel No. 01420 88743  or Email - or perhaps you would forward this email to any of your members who express an interest.  -  Very many thanks,  Jennie Pearson
To All Club Members

The closing date for the next order for PRINT BOXES is SATURDAY, 27th MARCH 2010.
I expect that the boxes will be available for collection at the Club Reps meeting in May or possibly at Finals Day on 18th April.

You will not be surprised to see that the price has risen. However, Nomad has rationalized the pricing to some extent by removing the differential between similar sizes, e.g. 2½” depth and 3” depth cost the same. I would also like to point out that Nomad do give a discount on quantity. Obviously this cannot be reflected in the price of individual boxes but any ‘profit’ is paid to the SPF, thus helping to keep Federation costs down.

SIZE                                                   COST
21" x 17" x 1 5/8"                               £21.50
21" x 17" x 2"                                      £21.50
21" x 17" x 2.5"                                   £22.00
21" x 17" x 3"                                      £22.00
21" x 17" x 3.5"                                   £22.50
21” x 17” x 4”                                      £22.50
21" x 17" x 5"                                      £23.00
21" x 17" x 6"                                      £23.50
Handles can be supplied at an additional cost of £3.00.
Orders in writing and with cheques payable to J. PEARSON
 to Mrs. Jennie Pearson,
6, Inhams Road, Holybourne, ALTON, Hants. GU34 4EU.


Boxes to be collected at the SPF Representatives Meeting
IN MAY 2010 or by arrangement.

1 comment:

  1. I just like the style you took with this topic. It’s not typical that you just discover a subject so concise and informative.
