Saturday, 31 July 2010

BBQ 2010

The BBQ pictures can be seen HERE

Friday, 30 July 2010

Butterfly Walk 2010

A report is now available on-line HERE

You can also see the report from the Programme 2009/10.  Scroll down to 20th July.

I have also uploaded an index to all the walks since 2007 and an index to the AGMs since 2006. These are on a revamped Menu.

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Chairmans Newsletter No.46

Hi All
Not much to report in this weeks newsletter except to say what a very enjoyable evening it was last night at George and Margaret's for the barbeque. 
Not only did George arrange for it not to rain, he also arranged a fabulous sunset - it just gets better each year. 
My thanks of course go firstly to George and Margaret for allowing us to invade their garden each year, George and Jack worked it out last night that we have been doing this for the last 20 or so years - I did not realise I was so young when I first started going!! 
I would also like to say thank you to everyone who came along and made the evening go so well, it was great to see such support and what a pleasure to be able to sit around and chat to each other, we don't get many opportunities to do that.

Don't forget if you are not away then please make a vist to our exhibition at Stockbridge 28th - 30th August and support the members who are displaying work there. Roy and I send our apologies that we shall miss this, we will be in Suffolk - hoping for sunshine.

Opening of Chichester Exhibition Friday 13th August - 2 tickets left to attend the formal opening.

Club will restart on the 7th Sept.

Have a good break and take every opportunity you can to use your camera.

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Chairmans Newsletter No.45

Newsletter a little late this week as I was whisked off to London for a few days to celebrate a special birthday.

Important - dont forget the barbeque at George Marsh's on Tuesday - hope weather will be kind to us, if there is any doubt then please give me a ring 023 80 323431 after 5pm.
Another reminder from last weeks newsletter - spaces still not taken.

Chichester Camera Club have their 61st annual exhibition of their members work August 14th - 21st, Assembly Rooms, North Street Chichester, 10am - 5pm. Please note it is not open on the 15th august.
The open evening is on Friday 13th and we have an invite for up to 4 members to attend, light buffet and drinks provided. If you are interested in attending and can make a firm commitment then please email me, I will allocate on a first come basis.

Winchestery Discovery Centre has a good programme on at the moment - the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2009, on until the 12th September - brilliant exhibition, although after looking at the entries from the under 11 year olds we did think about selling our cameras!!
Simon King - Wild Life Thurs 29th July tickets £10, Simon will talk about his work and show some of his images.
Ben Osborne - Private View Tuesday 24th August tickets £10, Ben was the 2007 overall winner of Wildlife Photographer of the year.

Closer to home I must give a big thank you to Gary Richardson for organising the butterfly walk last week, although he was unable to make the sun shine and the wind stop blowing, but for the 20 or so members in attendance it did not matter. It provided an opportunity for us all to talk to each other, give help to those who needed it and adjourn to the pub to discuss the merits of 'the one that got away'! Everyone enjoyed the evening.

If anyone would like to come forward and organise a walk for mid August then I will circulate details. Other than that we have the Exhibition at Stockbridge Town Hall on 28th - 30th August.

We will be back at the club on the 7th September, but I will send out another newsletter before then.

look forward to seeing many of you at the barbie on Tuesday

Chairmans Newsletter No.44

20th July - A reminder of the butterfly walk at Danebury Hill. Take the A30 west out of Stockbridge towards Salisbury. Stay in the outside lane on the dual carriageway, about half way up the hill out of Stockbridge turn right. Follow the road for about 2 miles and Danebury is on your left (signposted from the road). There is plenty of parking on site, just across the cattlegrid and up the hill. Gary Richardson will be there at 6pm, if you are a bit later then just walk on up the hill and you will find everyone.

27th July - BBQ at George Marsh's in his beautiful garden, 2 Pittleworth, Houghton, SO20 6NA, don't forget to bring your food, drink, crockery, and something to sit on. Hopefully the weather will do its usual and be kind to us, if in doubt please ring me (023 80323431) or George (01794 301285).

2 opportunities to go and look at other photographers work:
Festivals in Winchester, The Discovery Centre, City Space, to view the work of Paul Carter; Daniel Gradwell; Dot Allen; Kin Ho; Joe Low and Marcus Tate. Each photographer tells a story with a selection of 10 images on 4 different events. Worth visiting with our own evening on documentary panels, but you only have until Sunday 25th July.

Chichester Camera Club have their 61st annual exhibition of their members work August 14th - 21st, Assembly Rooms, North Street Chichester, 10am - 5pm. Please note it is not open on the 15th august.
The open evening is on Friday 13th and we have an invite for up to 4 members to attend, light buffet and drinks provided. If you are interested in attending and can make a firm commitment then please email me, I will allocate on a first come basis.

We are still looking for someone to come forward to take the position of external competition secretary - please make contact if you would like to assist with this position - don't forget with no one in this position we will not be able to take part in external competitions which our club has always valued in the past.

We have had some interest shown in helping with the programme so watch this space on that.

Last but not least - what a good evening last night, with the members talking about their work and giving hints and tips to the rest of us on how to achieve similar results. I am sure many of you like me learnt something from their talks and it would be great if we could hold more of these type of evenings with a wider spread of members telling us a story behind a particular picture.


Thursday, 22 July 2010

PAGB E-News No. 31

Hi All

Welcome to Issue 31 of e-news with a report of the Warwick Inter Club PDI Championship - the full club scores will be published shortly in Issue 32.
Click HERE to read the PDF file.

rod whelans

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Photo Course in Sussex.

Just a note to inform your members of 2 half-day workshops I'm leading on Saturday 31st and Sunday 1st August. It'll be based on the South Downs visiting 3 or 4 locations. Meet will be at Alfriston where we head off in the minibus for the afternoon and evening. Time will be 3pm till sunset. It's summer and as photographer's we are all fully aware that the best time to take landscape images is early morning and evening.

Much of our photography will be centered around the Cuckmere Valley, near Seaford in East Sussex. We will shoot sweeping vistas of Downland hills, the Cuckmere River, The Seven Sisters and as the sun sets, beach scenes and majestic cliffs.

This is suitable for those of all levels, from the beginner to the more experienced shooter.

In order for Robert to spend quality time with each person, numbers will be limited to just 5. Aside from making transportation to various locations much easier, it also makes for a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Cost for the day will be £70 which includes transportation to all locations.

For full details including how to book, please visit my website at
or phone me on 07939 117570.

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Photographer of the Year Trophies

Margaret has written a report about our Photographers of the Year. Read it HERE

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Stockbridge Exhibition information

Information about our Exhibition can be found HERE
There is also a link from the Programme page

Thursday, 8 July 2010

Ex-Chairman's Newsletter No. 43

Dear Members,
I bet some of you are thinking why? Why am I getting a newsletter from Terry? It's simply a matter of logistics, I've got a distribution list and Lynn has yet to set hers up.
So for the next couple of weeks you may get more than you bargained for, at least I hope so!

At last nights AGM the following positions were confirmed by the meeting:-

Club chairman(person) ......... Lynn Lambeth, 
Vice Chair...... Keith Bamber, 
Treasurer..... Andrew Kirby, 
Secretary.... Martin Brown, 
Internal assessments....Jillian Koernich, 
Internal Trophies..... Malcolm Richardson
External comps..... Vacant, 

Programme sec.... Vacant, 
Committee members... Margaret Kirby, 
Mark Koernich & John Walter, 
1 x vacancy.
Auditor... Liz Whitemore, 

SPF rep... Jack Whitemore (TBC) & Lynn Lambeth.

Lynn has asked for someone to assist with the vacant positions in particular the ext comps position, George Atkins has said he would help, guide and mentor anyone through the season, please contact Lynn ASAP.

Les Frederick trophies subjects. The meeting voted for the following subjects:-
Prints - Simplicity, 
PDIs - Dawn and Dusk.

Photographer of the Year
. I was very happy to present the trophies to two outstanding photographers, for a seasons excellent work.
Prints - George Marsh with 58.5 points and PDIs to Roy Lambeth with 59 points.

Promotions. At the last assessment Chris Maiden's printed image scored enough points to move him up into the advance class, well done Chris.

2010/11 SPF leagues.
The SPF have just issued the 'football type' leagues for next season.
The SPF have created the first format by using a scoring system from last season to create as far as is possible leagues of equal ability.

With 8 leagues in the PDI format we were placed into league #2, and our opponents are - New Forest, Farnborough, Solent, Fareham & Porchester, Petersfield and Basingstoke.

With just 5 leagues in the print section we are in the top league No.1 a tough group indeed!
Bournemouth, Farnborough, Basingstoke, Chichester, Ordnance Survey, & Salisbury!

This coming season looks to be an exciting one with promotions and demotions being the final outcome!

Having been one of the clubs that badgered the SPF to hold a print league, we really must take part. So we really need an External Competitions secretary. If you want to see the full list of the leagues please look at the SPF website, it's too extensive for me to type here! You may be surprised at some of the clubs below us!!
Click HERE.

13th July - The evening will split into two halves, with presentations of prints by me x 1, Peter Read x 2, Martin Brown x 2, George Marsh x 1, Roy L x 1, Gary Richardson x 1, and if he is attending Mark K x 1.
Gerald Ponting has 2 or 3 PDIs to talk about. Given each one a maximum of 5 minutes this should comfortably take up the first hour. The second half I have some discs from three of this years international competitions
we can easily show a full hour s worth of PDIs.

20th July - the butterfly walk is being organised by Gary Richardson. The location is Danebury Hill, To get to Danebury, take A30 west out of Stockbridge, towards Salisbury. Stay in the outside lane on the dual carriageway, about half way up the hill out of Stockbridge, turn right. Follow the road for about 2 miles and Danebury is on your left. It is signposted on the duel carriageway ( brown sign ), and you can't fail to miss Danebury when your driving by. There is plenty of parking on site, just cross the cattle grid, then continue up the hill. Time of start is 6pm.

27th July - the BBQ at Georges place. Timings TBC.

My regards to all of you and many thanks for your messages last night and by emails.
Keep on and Happy Snapping!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

PDI Leagues for 2010 to 2011

The list of Leagues has now been finalised and you can see them HERE

Monday, 5 July 2010

Marwell Wildlife Park Visit

Margaret's report on this trip can be seen HERE

Friday, 2 July 2010

Chairman's Newsletter No. 42

Dear Members,
   This weeks Mix & Match was great fun and that is down to the efforts of Jack and Liz who did the organising. Many prints were brought in by the members and we settled on a figure of 36 images for each side. Jack acting as judge went to some extreme lenghths to find a link between the prints, if at all possible. How he managed to link 3 metal structures to a street scene of old houses beggers belief ! If I remember correctly it was the street lamps being made of metal or the colour of them! As it was such a prolonged first half we agreed to restrict the last part to just 12 images and a close result gave the winners a massive one point win! The real winners were the attending members who had an entertaining evening joining in with the banter.

For Sale.
   Sheila Read brought in her Lumix FZ 30 with all it's bit and pieces in an attempt to raise funds, as I go to press, it is still available at a very reasonable price £70, however, I know it generated interest so it may be sold, you'll have to speak to Sheila if you want a good light weight possibly second camera.

Next Week.
   Is of course the AGM, this is a very important club event, where the past year is reported and the next committee selected. Without a committee any club will fail and that would be a pity for all of the members. We still need a couple of members to join us and help run the club, experience is not a requirement just the willingness to do a little bit extra for the enjoyment of everyone.
I hope to see you all there. POTY awards & choosing the subjects for next seasons Les Fredericks trophies.

The club Website.
    Peter Read tells me that he has added several usful links to the website, check it out.

Photo opportunities.
   With lots of events going on all over the area here are just two to think about:-

The Winchester Hat fair.......... Hatfair
Lepe country park....The New Forest Remembers D-Day at Lepe 

13th July meeting.
   Okay I guess you all failed to hear /read in the newsletter # 40 about this club event. I still have yet to get your names and the images you want to talk about. I will start the evening off by explaining how and why I took one of my particular images, this might take just a couple of minutes, it depends if any of you want to ask a question and more importantly if I want to/can answer it! So who is next?
I hope to fill the first half of the evening with this type of answer/question session, the second half I have a couple of 'open international' discs to show.

20th July.
This years butterfly walk is being organised by Gary Richardson and there is a change of venue, it is at Danebury Hill from 6:00pm. Parking and directions details are TBA.

My regards