RPS Digital Imaging Group
Southern Centre
Sunday 26th February 2012
10.30 am to 3.30 pm
Doors open 10.00
Greyfriars Community Centre
44 Christchurch Road
Ringwood, BH24 1DW
1. "A Landscape for all seasons"
Tony Worobiec FRPS.
A talk with images from his most recent book "The Landscape Photography Bible" which aims to show that landscape can be taken at any time of the day and night and in any lighting and weather conditions.
2. Be Famous for 5 Minutes
Show some of your favorite images. Bring your prints, images for digital projection, or short AVs (max 5 minutes) to present informally. (DP images 1024X768 pixels tiff or jpeg format please)
Admission: DIG Members £5.00. All others £7
All welcome
Tea and Coffee, Bring Packed Lunch
3. Southern Centre AGM 3.30 pm
Further Information from
Barry Senior: email: barry@littlepics.freeserve.co.