Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Chairman's Newsletter No. 50
Don't forget your cameras next week to experiement with soem night photography.
The league - You will have another opportunity to hand in more prints on the 5th October - I am sure there may be some trophy winners that were not in the print of year competition. Please send any PDI images from the trophy competitions to me on by 5th October - or hand in a disk on the 5th Oct.
There are a few small jobs that members could help the committee with to make things easier, such as phoning the judge or lecturer the week before attendance. If you feel you can give us some help then please make contact with one of the committee.
Thank you to those members who have committed to taking our prints around the league rounds - we are still looking for someone to go to Chichester with the prints on the 7th April.
The Chairman's Evening - 4th January - I know it is sometime off but want to give you as much time as possible. As I announced it will be a competition on humour - PDI images only please. This will be judged by myself with the help of the audience - so we will be looking for the laughter value rather than technical quality. You can be as creative as you want as long as the main image has been taken by yourself. I am after making it as much fun as possible. So keep your eyes peeled and your thinking caps on!
See you all on the 5th October.
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Print of the Year 2010
Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Monday, 13 September 2010
Re Devizes CC Event
Devizes Camera Club are delighted to welcome for the 2010 Arc Theatre presentation the well known travel writer and photographer John Pilkington with his new presentation ‘A Stroll through the Axis of Evil’. John comes highly recommended and this promises to be a fascinating and highly rewarding evening
The attached poster gives more details, or visit our new website,uk Tickets are now on sale at £10 each and I would strongly recommend booking early since we are limited to 150 places for this event
To reserve your places please email myself in the first instance. Bookings will then need to be confirmed by sending to me (
I look forward to welcoming you to the Arc Theatre on 6th November
Frank Collins
Devizes Camera Club
Friday, 10 September 2010
Newsletter No. 49
Stockbridge exhibition was very successful with over 700 visitors over the 3 days, this event again led to us having visitors on Tuesday who are likely to join. I am sure you will agree this makes a very successful showcase for our club and the timing is good being just before we restart our season. The committee have agreed to hold it the same time next year. Don't forget, you don't have to be an advanced worker or have a whole board to have work shown, if you want to submit just one print that is fine. In fact we are keen to show work across all levels within our club including our newer members.
As you are aware this year we are without an External Competition secretary, therefore the committee last evening agreed that we would not enter the following competitions;
- PAGB Gt British Cup
- Southern Photographic Federation Digital Championship - November
- Southern Photographic Federation Print Championship - Feb/March
We will however enter the SPF league and the SPF Exhibition as members of the committee have agreed to sort these.
I will be collecting the prints on 14th September, if you do not wish your work to be considered then please let me know otherwise I will take all the entries but I shall also collect work on the 5th October if you have other work you would like to be considered.
I have all the digital work that has been entered in the assessments but if you want to have work from trophy competitions to be considered can you please either let me have it on disk or email to me at by 5th October.
I will also be calling on members to commit to take the prints to one of the clubs hosting in our league, this will be just a case of taking the prints along and recording the scores and letting me have the score sheets afterwards. The dates and venues are:
- 11th November - Basingstoke Camera Club
- 1st February - Ordnance Survey Camera Club- Roy has agreed to do this one.
- 10th February - Farnborough Camera Club
- 28th February - Salisbury Camera Club
- 7th April - Chichester Camera Club
We will host on the 8th March 2011.
If you are able to make a firm commit to one of these dates or if you are interested in helping the committee with this position then please contact me.
Please send your entries in by Friday for the Print of the Year - this will be judged by Rosie Armes.
Look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday.
If you are looking for something to do at the weekend check out Heritage Open Days website as many places are free entry Frid/Sat/Sun.