Friday, 27 November 2009

Chairman's Newsletter No.17

Dear Members,
Tuesday nights judge Alan Cooke said "Finding a winner is not going to be easy" unquote. How very glad I was to hear him say that and you should be as well. The 31 entries for the Digital Panel Trophy meant he had to review 155 images, its true that some were repeats but he still managed to find something to say about every one, an outstanding piece of top class judging. Well done to Jillian for the winning panel, and well done to all the authors who did break away from the normal format and created something different. Pushing back the traditional boundaries and using the software how it is meant to be. One member however has learnt a hard lesson, read the competition rules {Click Here} or more precisely stick to them. No real harm done on the night but a superb piece of work passed over.

Several members made some constructive suggestions on the night, I'm sorry but I cannot remember all of them, however we would like your feed back about the competition ASAP. With the growth in our active members it is not hard to see that next year we may well be over subscribed for this comp, so please let Malcolm have your ideas, do we need the 1st image? could we get by just showing one image?

Can we simplify the rules? If so how? Your suggestions will be appreciated/debated.

Next Tuesday we have Roy Fisher's lecture I'm sure it will be interesting and there is sure to be some great images.

Christmas Cards. As usual we will have a table organised to put your Christmas cards on, this will be available on 8th & 15th Dec.

Photo opportunity, The Winter Christmas market is opening on Sunday in Winchester and all over the country towns and villages will be switching on their Christmas decorations/lights.

My regards and keep snapping!

Friday, 20 November 2009

Chairman's News No. 16

Dear Members,

GOOD news? BAD news time.

Friday 13th. The friendly AV night at Basingstoke was not so good for the club. On one of the worst weather days of the winter 10 of us and 2 ex members we almost out numbered the combined home and Woodley CC attendance!

Ian Bigg was the judge for the night and his vast experience showed with his critique and scoring. Woodley CC from Reading were the winners with 89 points then North Hants PS with 87 and we managed to crawl in 82 points.

So on reflection we were on average one point adrift on each of our AVs, not that far behind. The theme Ian was looking for was a story line and those AVs scored better.

Monday 16th. At the SPF reps meeting it was announced that starting next year they would be running an annual print competition, details will be published soon.

Tuesday 17th. A mixture of news from the fund raising evening, Stan Roberts gave an entertaining show which appeared to be much appreciated by those attending, while the number of visitors were on par the membership was poorly represented. This may have been that we saw the show a few years ago however the numbers is disappointing.

The raffle was well supported with some 25 prizes, my thanks to all of you who gave items. Jean and Janet did a great job selling tickets and my thanks to them, sorry I was remiss in not thanking them on the evening.

Wednesday 18th. Received news that Liz Whitemore had taken a bad fall and spent all day in A & E, Jack assured me that it was not the lack of water in her drinks but a pure accident, latest news is good though and we wish her a speedy recovery.

Thursday 19th. Over to Colbury memorial hall for the first round of this seasons league matches. George Atkins gave me a concern with his late arrival, he had the prints, it's them SatNavs you know. However, a very good evening with Glyn Edmonds in the judges hot seat resulted in winning both the prints and the PDIs sections. The results sheet is attached however well done to Peter Read and Roy Lambeth for their 10's.

Diary/program change. April 8th 2010 ( Thursday) we have accepted an invitation from New Forest CC to take part in a friendly competition at their venue. This is a return fixture as we had them over last year for a similar evening. We have agreed that we will have 12 prints and 12 PDIs and they have already asked Leo Rich to judge, so we should have a fun evening.

Next week, we have, I'm told 31 entries for the Digital Panel Trophy. So Alan Cooke will be busy and we need to get started on time.
Hope to see you then
Regards & keep snapping


Sunday, 15 November 2009

Novembers Assessment Report

The November Assessment report is now on line with just 2 photographs from the manmy that scored 10. If the owners of these would send me a copy I can add them to the report.  Size 500 pixels on longest side please.
To see the report click HERE

Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Chairman's Newsletter No. 15

Dear Members, 

What an avalanche of tens we got last night from Keven Sandall, having discussed his method of marking prior to the assessments I had expected a few more than normal. Keven explained that the reason he went forward to be a judge was quote " I was fed up with Judges picking one or two best images for a score of ten and then awarding everything else under 10" unquote.  However not withstanding that I simply cannot name everyone with a maximum last night my memory and space being limited!,  suffice to say congratulations to Lynn Lambeth and Pat Ball for making the scores they needed to move into the 'advance' class in PDIs. 

FRIDAY  13th.  We will be taking part in the 'friendly' AV competition at the North Hants CC, I am attaching details of their location and directions, you will be more than welcome to come along for the 8pm start.

TUESDAY 17th   Is the clubs 'hall fund raising' event with Stan Roberts and his magic lantern show, Please bring anything suitable for the raffle prizes, where Janet (my wife) will be assisting Jean to sell tickets.

TUESDAY 17th  Do not forget to hand in to Malcolm your CD disc or memory stick with your entries for the 'digital panel competition'.  I will attach the revised rules and a copy of the entry form.

Thursday 19th,  Our first round in this years SPF league matches,  we are away to the New Forest club with Winchester PS being the other opponents. Again you will be welcome to attend at Colbury village hall.

Finally a thank you to Jillian for the efficient running of last nights assessment and to Mark for his perseverance in getting the PDIs to run, it is not easy when 40 people are looking on which is why we asked for volunteers some time ago to help out, application on a ten pound note to Jillian please!

My regards and keep snapping.

Sunday, 8 November 2009

e-news from the PAGB No. 19

Click HERE to see news of events within the PAGB especially the GB Cup 2009.  See how badly the SF region fared too!

Chairman's Newsletter No. 14

Dear Members, 
Well done to all the members who braved the tornado conditions on Tuesday to see Leo's slides and listen to his tales of how he came to take them and he kept us entertained in his usual manner.

One small but significant point he made, was showing the difference from a straight film slide to a slide made from the digital image. It really shows how much farther the digital needs to go to get on a par with film, yes I know you anoraks have been telling us this for some time!

Many thanks to those who have volunteered to help out, John will be contacting you soon.

Last call for the print boxes, we have a call on all of them if nobody else wants any! They will go next Tuesday.

Next week is an assessment with judge Keven Sandall, so make certain your entry is in by midnight Friday.

Have a safe bonfire night and rememberance parade.

Lest we Forget


Saturday, 7 November 2009

Chairman's Newsletter No. 13

Dear Member,
                       With just 12 entries for the Print Panel Trophy our judge Barry Day was expecting an easy ride. Barry spent time previewing the prints and them stated that "it will not be easy picking a winner tonight".
The entry may have been disappointingly small but it was certainly of a good standard. Well done to Roy Lambeth taking the gold with his panel 'a Different Life' Silver went to Lynn Lambeth's images of a Mosque in Morocco and John May's Butterflies and Moths took the bronze. 

Print Boxes.  Your committee need to dispose of 28 wooden print boxes in order to make space and reduce the combustible material in the loft. These boxes could be used to store your old mounted prints, those that you simply cannot tear yourself to dispose off. Please make contact with John Walter if you would like some or all of them.

Discussion on advancement.  As there was plenty of time after the panel competition we took the opportunity to have a general discussion on the concerns raised about the clubs PDI assessments. The committee had spent some time talking about it and produced a proposal. During the discussion points were made about how the club has reached our current position, the standard of the entries, reasons behind the proposal and every member present given the chance to air their view. It May have seemed to be a fragmented committee unable to agree but that is not the case, it's democracy at work. In the end the meeting voted for the status quo and it should be raised again at the next AGM.

One question that was raised and I would like to again publicly state both the clubs and my position on advancement.  Our club is well respected within the SPF and other photographic organisations, however we always struggle to gain the top places in our various external competitions. It is the committees and defiantly my intention to raise the standard of ALL of the members work, remember my statement when taking over as chairman "using all possible means" that still stands.  Enough said eh!  However should have a particular photographic concern please feel free to approach any of us and someone within the club will help out.

Co-opted committee members.   Again may I ask for some help from the members, we need ( it in the constitution) to fill vacancies on your committee. We need your help to set up the hall and to close it down at the end of the evening, currently John Walter and I are arriving well before the meeting starts to set up and are always the last to leave and frankly it is becoming a chore for both of us.

Next meeting is Leo Rich giving a slide presentation, Leo is always fun to listen to and his images are usually excellent.

Regards and keep snapping

PAGB Inter-Fed Projected Image competition 2009

Dear All,
The Council would like to thank everyone who put images forward for the selection process, PAGB Inter-Fed Projected Image competition and exhibition was judged a couple of weekends ago, I apologise for the delay in giving you the results, but I have only just received them.

We have come 6th overall out of the 15 Federations which is an excellent result and we would like to thank everyone who put work forward, as well as those who had work selected.

The 13 accepted images are:
Rosie Armes FRPS DPAGB BPE1* Chichester CC, A Proud Housewife
Rosie Armes FRPS DPAGB BPE1* Chichester CC, A Shy Girl
Rosie Armes FRPS DPAGB BPE1* Chichester CC, I Love You
Jean Brooks EFIAP Havant CC, Glasgow Walkway
John Cook Havant CC, Grand Central
Gloria Cotton ARPS Spectrum, Panda in Snow
Gloria Cotton ARPS Spectrum, Sulawesi Crested Black Macaques
Chris Hutchinson Yateley CC, Breata at Bordon
Keith Polwin ARPS Basingstoke CC, Great Blue Herons
Leo Rich ARPS EFIAP DPAGB Spectrum, Waiting for the Last Bus
Tony Smith Winchester PS, Contemplation
Jeannie Sutherland DPAGB Chichester CC, Coyote
Pauline Thornhill DPAGB Petersfield PS, Cuckoo with Reed Warbler

These and the accepted images from the other federations should be available on CD to hire from the end of November onwards at £5 per club night.


Kindest regards, 

Chris Neill-Griffin
SPF Secretary

Work was put forward from:
Pam Adams, Trevor Ager. Dave Agnelli, Gaston Alziary, Rosie Armes, Sue Armes, George Atkins, Pat Ball, Gail Bell, Debbie Bradley, Janice Bradley, Aphra Bremner, Jean Brooks, Shelia Brough, Martin Brown, Malcolm Bull, Cliff Carter, Thelma Chevallier, Eric Clark, Caroline Colegate, Bruce Collins, John Cook, Judith Cook, Gloria Cotton, Allan Croombs, Colin Cruickshank, Jon Cruise, Ruari Cumming, Chris Davies, John Davis, Mike Davidon, Ron De'Ath, Glyn Edmunds, Peter Etheridge, Mags Fewkes, Ron Foulkes, Roy Gafney, Joy Gardiner, Gordon Gentles, Philip George, Phil Green, Paul Halliwell, Bobby Hamilton, Becky Hancock, Nigel Hays, Jay Heiser, Ken Henry, Jean Henwood, John Hodge, Cathy Hughes, Tony Hughes, Chris Hutchinson, Jan Ison, Terry Jamieson, Michael Jennings, Chris Joyner, Claire Joyner, Gary Kenmir, Tricia Kennedy, Roger Kevern, Barbara Lambert, Roy Lambeth, Max Law, Jeff Lawerence, Anne Mahany, Johanne Mahy, George Marsh, Bill McKnight, Charles Minchell, Pat Mitchell, John Nasey, Chris Neill-Griffin, Terri Neill-Griffin, Bob Newton, John Norris, Pauline Oliver, Tony Oliver, Lin Osborn, Mike Owen, Graham Peacock, Helen Plant, Nigel Plant, Keith Polwin, Gerald Ponting, Margaret Preece, Betty Rackham, Tony Rackham, Peter Read, Shelia Read, David Reeve, Steve Reynolds, Leo Rich, Peter Rocchiccioli, Anne Ruffell Louis Rumis, Lorraine Saville, Karl Schrader, Brian Smith, Tony Smith, Carole Speight, Nicky Stewart, Stan Stubbs, Jeannie Sutherland, Gill Swift, Sue Teagle, Chris Thorne, Colin Thornhill, Pauline Thornhill, David Toft, Maureen Toft, Vic Tucker, Michael Warren Sue Watts, Keith Wendes, Michael White, Andrew Whitmarsh, John Wigley, Arwell Williams, Michael Williams, Tony Wills, Tim Wuthall, Ken Woods, Joyce Wragg, Jennifer Wright, and Stuart Yates. From 22 clubs around the region, so thank you all!