Monday, 29 June 2009


Ever been tempted to enter for a FIAP Distinction but been put off by the timescales involved? Well good news…. FIAP have modified their requirements for the AFIAP and EFIAP with immediate effect and their new requirements are:
AFIAP (Artiste: Federation International of Photographic Art)
You now need to achieve 30 acceptances from at least 10 different works in 10 different salons(**) in 5 different countries. The period over which these can be achieved has been reduced from five years to one year. In addition the PAGB require you to also achieve a minimum of one “award” in that period.
EFIAP (Excellence: Federation of International Photographic Art)
No sooner than one year after AFIAP has been awarded you can apply for an EFIAP provided you have achieved a total (including AFIAP) of 150 acceptances with a total of 50 works in 30 different salons (**) in 15 different countries.
The PAGB require that you achieve a minimum of five “awards” (including those gained for the AFIAP)
** Salons. All Salons must have FIAP Patronage. A Salon may only been counted once but all acceptances in all the years will be eligible.
Applications are submitted once a year by the PAGB to FIAP and have to be with the PAGB/FIAP Liaison Officer before 31st December.
For further information and details of current fees please send an SAE (A5 minimum) to:
FIAP Liaison Officer: Ian Platt FRPS MFIAP HonEFIAP HonPAGB
Prospect Cottage, Serrells Mead, Langton Matravers, Dorset, BH19 3JB.

Thursday, 18 June 2009

New Photo Galleries

I have just installed some new galleries on behalf of Terry Jamieson, Stan Stubbs, George Marsh and Peter Read. Click on Galleries on the menu and then Gallery 1 to see these.
I would welcome a selection of your photographs for our web site. All you have to do is email them to me. The ones you have recently used for the Projected Digital image assessments will do nicely.
Let us all have a presence on the site. We need to update the images we have at present with some new ones.

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

NEWS again

This is your new NEWS section of the Viewfinders website. Here those invited can upload information they want to show. This can items for sale or invitations to enter exhibitions or to remind you of forthcoming SPF Events and so on.
I have been running a system like this for Salisbury CC for 18 months or so and it has been very successful. It is the first place members look to see if there has been a late programme change for instance.
This is a repeat of my original news item. So far only 2 people have signed up to receive emails and to add items of interest to members.

Audio Visuals

Following on from the meeting on the 16th June here are some notes that should help.

1. Pictures to Exe programme version 5.6 can be downloaded from this web site
The Proshow Gold program can be downloaded from this web site

2. A free audio control program called Audacity can be downloaded HERE. This is good.
There is also a help for Audacity on this SITE
Norman Pease uses Adobe Audition found HERE. This costs $349 though.

3. For the licences need for the accompanying music see HERE. This is complex as Norman indicated and as can be seen here too.
The form to apply is in Acrobat format [PDF] and you can see the Copyright_Licences_Form at the bottom of the page.

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Programme Changes

Further to Liz's emails the changes are now correct on the web site. See the Programme page HERE

Update 17 June 2009. Directions for the Butterfly Walk have been added to the programme. So if you want to go please check.
A map reference location is HERE

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

May 2009 Assessment

May 2009 Assessment a report is now on line. See HERE